Dear users, will be discontinued on June 1st 2019. We unfortunately no longer have the resources needed to maintain and keep it up to date. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we hope you enjoyed using this service as much as we had running it for the last 6 years.

About Part-Aero

What is Part-Aero is an electronic repository of aggregated air operations EASA regulations.

General Disclaimer

The use of this website is at the User’s sole responsibility and risk. expressly disclaim any warranty with respect to the information on the website, including its accuracy, completeness, reliability, quality, fitness for a particular purpose, representation of state-of-the-art technology or regulation.
In particular, do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of any references to rules and regulations featured or practices presented in the information. Such references must therefore be crosschecked with the original source.
The information contained in the Part-Aero website is not intended to provide professional advice on any field of expertise - be it aviation safety or other - and cannot replace the individual advice of a professional in the relevant field.
Any representation or statement contained in the information are not necessarily endorsed by or represent the official views of